leather snow home
  • What Do You Mean Several Of My Pages Were Missing An End Body Tag
  • new blog post
  • trying to set up a new site section, stay tuned
  • i'm bringing some of my poems back. not all of the old ones, but some, along with some new ones maybe.
  • thinking about other creative writing stuff i can share here. i might do goofy little writing exercise pieces or something
  • also gonna try and do devlogs at some point once i figure out what to put in them lol
  • i may have also caved and hidden a link to my book blog somewhere
  • reexamining my creative priorities again. taking a few posts down
  • tl;dr, started a side-project for some reading stuff, and most of the posts here would work better there
  • i kinda wanna keep my games/writing stuff separate, so i won't link it here. but it's probably not that hard to find lol. you could also message me about it on tumblr i guess
  • will try to post more games related stuff. got distracted by a new game concept, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
  • i should probably post more like, dev blog stuff? but I'm not entirely sure how to make it interesting
  • i'm looking to try and do more game jams too
  • here it is
  • the tbr tryout round 2
  • it's uh. well.
  • shorter than round 1
  • but hey! it's done! as promised 🖤
  • pay no attention to the creature behind the curtain
  • occasionally i like to use this site to play around with html and stuff, so yes it's updating but it's not like a real update lol
  • regarding this site, there will be a round 2 of the trying out tbr series. i got kinda burnt out on reading and it took me longer to get to them than i would have liked, but i've now gone through 2 of the books and have started on the 3rd.
  • it will, at the bare minimum, be out before i get the recs for round 3
  • so um.
  • okay so what happened to summer reading
  • a few things
  • 1. i burned out lol. read too much and got tuckered out before summer reading time
  • 2. what i did read wasn't interesting to blog about
  • so uh. yeah.
  • i'm not happy about it lol. but anyway
  • trying to mess with the site to make it actually nice. stay tuned
  • [came back later with an update]
  • wheee!!! big site change
  • removed a lot of stuff
  • i've caved and working title is just the blog now lol.
  • finally! fixed my sidebar and made it standard on the site
  • fun fact i got all the way done with copying it over to the other pages before realizing one of the links was broken now -_- so i had to go back and o it allll again
  • homepage has been updated too. experimenting with a big box for the blog
  • also added a second small box to make it symmetrical. i'll put something in that box eventually lol
  • let's get ready for summer reading!!!
  • getting the infrastructure set up
  • speaking of, main blog is gone. wasn't using it so
  • and i thiiink i've finally settled on a sidebar? maybe?
  • gonna let it simmer for a day or two to be sure
  • hihi. It’s been a minute
  • here’s the thing about the april zine: it exists. i promise. just not digitally
  • i don't have a scanner at home and i have been too lazy to go to the library specifically to get things scanned
  • i got to the library for events and such, and i’m always like “oh i’ll get there early and do it then” but then i don’t. i’m very annoyed with myself lol
  • in slightly better news, i think a good chunk of the working title stuff i’ve been working on is ready to go. not exactly timely stuff at this point lol but stuff you can read soonish. in fact I’m posting something Right Now
  • summer reading is only a month away and I’m v excited!
  • trying to fuss with the side bar some more. can't find something i'm happy with
  • hiiii
  • sorry it's been a minute. i've been Busy
  • working on some long-form fiction projects. nothing that will be here remotely anytime soon, but they have taken up most of my time
  • i released another zine awhile ago, but didn't get around to mentioning it here lol
  • i Am trying to get game stuff done, but between other stuff i'm working on and trying to wrangle playesters/proofreaders it's been really slow going :(
  • i wanted to have this one particular project released months ago and i'm really annoyed lol
  • more working title Is coming. main problem is i've been working on multiple at once which means they all get done slower. hopefully i can get one out soonish but i don't want to jinx it, so no promises
  • big big tweaks
  • letting the sidebar change simmer for a bit to see if i like it before going through and updating every page
  • bloggy's coming back
  • purging unecessary pages wherever i can so there's less to update
  • added a new mini section
  • added fancy hover text to the asterisk sections of the first working title! a feature i plan to continue to implement where needed
  • sup
  • i'm back on cohost @leathersnow
  • haven't updated the contact page to reflect this yet because i'm lazy
  • i have a new game almost ready! like for real this time i prommy!
  • just have to 1. get it proofread 2. finalize formatting 3. get stuff for itch together
  • i am excited to get this thing out there finally. hope y'all like it!
  • i'm also tossing around ideas for a new game. because i don't have enough wips already lol
  • also once again feeling the urge to do a site redesign...
  • hiiii
  • another new zine fresh out of the oven
  • :3
  • i've got more zines cooking up for the next few months, so my goals for a monthly zine are looking pretty good so far!
  • as for games...
  • one of them is technically done.
  • i have to format it, and maybe get some more playtests, then actually find the courage to post it
  • but yeah. mostly done
  • been focusing more on some poetry collections though
  • and also looking at maybe trying a novel again
  • there's a lot of stuff i wanna do. problem is finding the time & motivation to do it
  • so um.
  • i released a new zine
  • but i forgot to announce it anywhere lol
  • anyway. here it is
  • i haven't worked on games in a little bit
  • took a biiig break after november
  • but i want to focus more on it in february
  • goal is to get at least something realeased next month
  • wish me luck lol
  • zine is out
  • here ya go
  • also linkie on home page
  • i'm thinking of maybe aiming to release one zine a month, since i'm building up a backlog i could maybe pull it off, but i don't want to make too many promises i can't keep
  • updated the pumpkin carver page to reflect that i had taken it down from itch.io
  • updated the home page to reflect that there Will Be Zines
  • one is done and i just have to figure out how to be brave enough to post it to itch, the other needs a little bit more work still
  • and i might be starting work on a few more
  • today’s update got too long so i figured now was the time to finally set up more of a Real blog
  • here it is
  • tl;dr i finished nano a day early but a lot of stuff isn’t done and where do we go from here etcetera
  • also deleting the old nano blogs
  • okay here’s the deal. i have been writing nano updates but i’ve been too lazy to post them
  • so i’m just gonna post several of them today okay?
  • the latest post button with go the the first of the batch rather than the last for a little bit
  • hihi
  • guess who wrote entries and didn’t post them lol
  • so i have one but it’s for a few days ago now
  • it’s up now is the important thing
  • you know where it is
  • wrote a thing for working title (not abt books this time) but idk about posting it yet
  • we’ll see
  • i’ve fallen a bit behind lately so trying to focus all my words on getting caught up lol
  • me again
  • you know the drill :3
  • i'm definitely not procrastinating work on my games by blogging what are you talking about
  • howdy
  • another nano update in the usual place
  • talking about how the week has gone + where I'm at in projects
  • i should probably mention- i'm thinking of releasing the stuff I'm working on this month in an anthology
  • assuming i capital-f Finish anything this month
  • the games will still be released separately i just think it'd be neat to have a little nano collection too
  • happy nano everyone!
  • first nano update of the month here
  • off to a pretty good start i think :) hopefully it continues
  • p.s., this year i made to include the jump to latest post button like i did with the summer reading blogs
  • also added a lil button to the homepage to take you to the nano stuff to make it a bit easier to get to + i don't have to fuss with links as much
  • hiii
  • my birthday's tomorrow :)
  • and halloween after that :)
  • and then nanowrimo!
  • i've got a new post detailing my plans for nanowrimo blogging this year
  • tl;dr i'm not doing a novel but i will be writing, and i will post about it.
  • same as last year, all my nano posts for 2023 are gonna be at that same link btw
  • that's all for now! happy halloween everyone!
  • happy october everyone 🧡🖤🧡🖤
  • i put out another thing recently, you can find it here
  • Pumpkin Carver is a simple activity. read or write to grow pumpkins and draw jack-o-lanterns
  • in other news, saw x is good btw
  • i'm working on about 4 different games at the moment, with 2 taking main priority.
  • one is mostly intact mechanics-wise, and it's just a matter of writing the rules doc and figuring out the best way to arrange the information
  • the other is a newer concept that i'm still roughing out the mechanics of, but the rules doc would be much more streamlined compared to the other game, so it might get done first
  • as for the other 2 games...
  • one of the games is Big. at least for me. so big, in fact, that i'm making a few separate games first, that use the same/similar mechanics, each building on each other, until i feel confident enough for the Big Game
  • it's also so that i can get more player feedback to make sure all the mechanics are as polished as can be
  • priority game #1 is the first of these games, so the other games are obviously on the backburner until that first game is done
  • horror arcanum release day!!! 🎉🎉🎉
  • here ya go 🖤🧡
  • if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment on the itch page or message me on tumblr!
  • hiiii
  • my new project comes out tomorrow :)
  • you can look at it in the new section :)
  • i have no idea how well it will do but i'm very excited it's doen and out there (well, almost)
  • and now that it's ready to go i can focus on working on the next new thing!
  • major site overhaul (kinda)
  • shifting my creative focus & deleting some pages that just aren't serving me anymore
  • no actual content is being deleted
  • mostly just structural/categorizing stuff that i don't feel really adds anything anymore
  • creating some new sections for new things ;)
  • hi.
  • tl;dr summer reading is over. i hit my goals so i'm pretty happy about that
  • there's a wrap-up post but i don't really feel like posting rn
  • been working on something kinda big too
  • see you later
  • i uh. disappeared for a while.
  • sorry about that
  • still have some posts ready, posting in the usual place
  • i'm just gonna add a "last updated" tag to the summer reading section so i can continue not updating the main page every time i post
  • at least until i'm all done, which will maybe be the end of the month or some time in august?
  • also i'm double-posting. enjoy
  • been super busy reading
  • but i now have several posts ready to go
  • i'm going to space them out
  • same bat time, same bat channel
  • posts will go up over the next few days
  • i'll only make an official update when i post the last one in the backlog
  • back again with a post
  • unrelated, i threw myself at the walden wall again. honestly, i might have to give up on walden. i'm not sure i can keep doing this
  • the goal was to like, learn some shit, you know? to not just take everything i'd heard about it at face value, to go to the primary source and get the facts
  • but all i've learned so far is that it sucks even more that anticipated!
  • i had so many silent hill puns ready to go but damn.
  • the working title link... has been wrong... this whole time 💀💀💀
  • restructuring complete~
  • for now.
  • should be more convenient to find stuff from the home page now.
  • section needs better titling but. is fine for now maybe
  • i rearranged the nanowrimo entries so the formatting between it and the summer reading logs are consistent
  • new post hi
  • it'll go under multiple books but i don't feel like setting them up rn
  • an interlude, here
  • reading's been slow the past few days, but i started a new book today
  • so far it's very nice. expect post(s) about it soon
  • i will throw myself at the walden wall again eventually.
  • it's not a matter of wanting to read it. it's how far in can i get before hdt says some more dumb shit that gets me worked up
  • also updated some links in the update archive
  • along with some minor grammar/formatting edits to older sr posts
  • thinking about making some bigger fromatting changes to the home page again, but i don't feel up to doing it right now.
  • no post today, because i didn't read enough to write a whole thing about it
  • just popping by to mention i fixed a problem with soem post titles
  • the text just wasn't wrapping for some reason?
  • the fix isn't the prettiest, but it is functional for now
  • hi
  • summer reading update here
  • book page here
  • everything's in blog
  • took a brief break
  • summer reading update here
  • book page here
  • everything's in blog
  • summer reading update here
  • it's also here
  • everything's in blog
  • writing updates is getting exhausting
  • so from now on these will just be links to the new thing
  • unless i actually have something to say
  • summer reading update here
  • new book page here
  • everything's in blog
  • have fun
  • hi
  • yes i'm back on time
  • i'm shocked too
  • interlude here. also on the all page.
  • and there's now a section for interludes on the summer reading landing page
  • meant to give myself a complete break over the weekend, but i wanted to maintain my streak on the site i'm using to log my reading so. i have already started next book.
  • these are all in the blog section, btw
  • summer reading update, same place as last time.
  • also i remembered to link it on the blog landing page this time 😅
  • still working out how i want to change the formatting, but for now there's a "jump to latest" button. i might break up each book into its own page. generally i'm trying to avoid making new pages wherever i can to keep file size down.
  • i originally said i would crosspost these to tumblr. that might have been a lie, i think. it sounded like a good idea at the time, and it technically is, content-wise; the kinds of posts i'm making would probably be more accessible and easier to post on tumblr. but i don't want to do that. it's too much effort and i would rather force people to look at this website that i spent so much time coding and making it look nice.
  • something i have settled on are in-between book interludes, posts about whatever to give myself a bit of a break before picking up the next thing.
  • anyway. look at my posts. or don't, i guess.
  • finished the book. didn't feel like waiting until tomorrow to post so. hi again.
  • took the time to do a bit of reformatting. the prev summer reading link now goes to a landing page. there's a page for looking at all of the posts, and a section where you can look at just the posts for a specific book. i think this will work better with the interludes i planned.
  • speaking of, here's the link to the page for the book i was reading
  • let's enjoy my productivity while it lasts
  • summer reading let's goooo
  • i'll be blogging about it here.
  • for now it'll have a similar format to last year's nano blogs, but that might change since this will (probably) (hopefully) have way more entries.
  • in the meantime, been trying to think of a new title for working title. it's not going well. that might just be it's name now. fuck.
  • anyways, yeah, since i'll be reading more, i'll definitely be writing more working title columns(?) if i read a book that feels like it fits.
  • the blog posts will get crossposted to tumblr at some point, but you can read them here first :)
  • hey :)
  • new thing :) posted here :) for you :)
  • new section! i have no idea what to call it, so it's called working title. i'll figure it out later.
  • working title is for articles that are more commentary than review.
  • unrelated, it turns out that the 20 pages for the writing workshop was a limit, not a requirement! so i can get that piece workshopped after all :)
  • if reception is good i'll post the short here when it's done
  • made some small changes to support the new category, rearranged a few things, and i've added spaces between the tags on list pages to make them a bit easier to read
  • so. where have i been.
  • several projects had to be put on the backburner, for several reasons
  • i joined like 3 bookclubs, so most of my reading time is taken up with those
  • i also joined a writing workshop. i was hoping to get a particular story critiqued before i posted it here, but it's too short for the workshop. so i have to find another way to get critical eyes on it
  • also, since that story is not long enough, i've been scrambling to figure out how to pull together 20 pages for critique. if i can't write something new before it's my turn to share, i'll have to use an excerpt from my nano novel and... *shudders*
  • to be fair i would want eyes on it at some point, but i haven't worked on it since november, and most of it's not done. also i feel like the tone of the book is a bit goofier than other stuff i write?
  • it's cringe. it feels cringe. i don't want to share it because it feels embarassing. i know that's ridiculous, but. these are Serious Writers here who are actually good at writing. so.
  • i'd apologize for not updating more but i don't think anyone actually reads these
  • completely scrapping the redesign plans and doing something else
  • a little bland maybe, but i can class it up later & so far it looks alright
  • a big problem with redesigning is there are site sections i want to add but i've been struggling on how to incorporate them. i think this new design gives me buffer room so i don't have to worry about that so much rn
  • i have a new little something written for this site only ;)
  • not posting it yet because i want to build a small backlog and get the infrastructure in place for the larger project
  • once i get site updates done i'll make a post about the various projects i'm working on
  • post linked on time, as promised. it's a movie review
  • now to get to work on Other Things
  • originally i was bothered by the way my header pumpkins scrunch up at certain window widths, but now i think it's funny. and I'm happy it does that
  • still kinda meh about other things with the site. we'll see how that shakes out
  • fixed an issue with the movies tag i only just caught.
  • new year. wheee.
  • site redesign... going so slow...
  • not sure if i even like the new look anymore
  • but i have PLANS. for CONTENT. so i have to get this thing to at least semi-passable
  • speaking of, new hmtl review goes up tomorrow. link will follow soon
  • completely redesigning the site visuals. this kind of big overhaul will probably take some time, but right now i'm really liking how it looks!
  • they're already in my links page, but big extra shout-out to blinkies.cafe!
  • also made the not found page look a bit nicer.
  • big things happening in general!
  • i did it :) i did a nanowrimo. i hit 50k :)
  • also got that description updated
  • currently updating from a different computer than normal, so i can't update the images yet, but it's at the top of my list. i hate how ugly the site looks rn
  • finally working on that redesign some more
  • it'll still look a little ugly for a while, but it should be mostly functional now
  • i'm on a different machine and noticing my header pumpkins look a bit wonky. eventually i'll be bothered to fix that
  • posting a new nano log. meant to do one with last update but again. sleepy.
  • still haven't updated that description tho lol
  • redesigning the site layout. reviews now have a separate landing page vs being on the home page
  • i'm not focusing on reviews as much so i'm shifting thew website to reflect that
  • still a work in progress. i'm literally so tired rn and i can't stay awake t finish everything all at once lol
  • also my birthday was in october so i have to update my description lol
  • nano is still going. i'm pretty far behind, but. i'm still going
  • nano update! i am in fact doing it!
  • there's a page for nano updates here.
  • it'll also be linked in the sidebar, but only on the home page for now. wanna focus my writing attention on the book and the updates rather than code for a temporary thing across the whole site
  • after nano is done, there'll be a proper section for nano stuff in the creative writing section and the sidebar will be gone
  • hi. it's been a minute lol
  • no new review this time. just checking in
  • i'm giving up on the book review. i just cannot get through this book. if it was *just* the book i could maybe do it, but there's outside research i have to do that makes it so much more of a slog than it already is
  • not to mention there's been some stuff with hmtl. so it might be a minute before i do another off-site review
  • in the meantime, i've been prepping for nanowrimo! gonna try and do it For Real this time
  • considering setting up a specific page for nano stuff.
  • also trying out a new social media! i'm on cohost now. we'll see how that goes
  • ALSO also finally fixing my social/off-site links to open in a new tab because i just. never did that for some reason
  • It's here. In board games. It's been on HMTL for a while, just took me a while to link it here.
  • I'm working on a book review, but I had to deal with some health issues. I'm fine, but delayed.
  • Outside of the book review, my time has been occupied with a non-writing related project. I'll get back to it, in time.
  • I cut the category-specific update sections.
  • New review posted. Not the one I mentioned last month, a different one. In video games.
  • That other one is still coming. Re-examined some priorities re: photo. Want to just get it done and clear.
  • Got a few other projects lined up, but no ETAs. My "oh, this'll be a simple writing exercise!" project turned into... a whole thing. With research and stuff. And me putting real effort into it. So it's on hold until I can wrangle my schedule better. And find something that actually WILL be a low-stakes writing exercise to ease me back into writing more consistantly.
  • Swapped a few section images out.
  • My next HMTL review was all ready to go... then I realized I was missing an important picture T_T T_T T_T so I have to schedule another photo shoot.
  • No new posts today, mostly just fixing some back-end stuff.
  • New background!
  • Also changing up the update section. I wanted to trim it down a bit, dut didn't really want to get rid of all the older updates, so now there's an archive on a separate page, linked below.
  • From now on, only one month's worth of updates will be shown at a time.
  • I'm almost done with a new board game review for Haunted MTL, so hopefully that'll get linked here shortly.
  • I rise from the grave! Got an off-site post in books.
  • I was originally taking a break, but then I got offered a review copy for Fright House, so I've been working on that instead of going into 100% chill mode.
  • At the very least, I do feel a bit more energized, so maybe you'll see more of me sooner rather than later.
  • Sorry for the radio silence. I have been Struggling
  • Those promised 2 posts are now linked, along with an on-site prose poem.
  • Of course I'm only now finding that all my creative writing links on the all posts page have been broken this whole time. I'm so good at coding you guys
  • 2 new off-site posts linked. 2 more will be linked next week after they go up.
  • In my last update I messed up all the game category links on the all posts page. They've been fixed now.
  • A new on-site review post is in the works. I'm considering putting up a poll of some kind so people can vote on what kind of review they'd like me to work on after it's done.
  • In the mean time, questions or comments can be directed to my Tumblr or Twitter.